Monday, April 23, 2007

Welcome... my new blog.

To get to the point, it will track my training (along with other appropriate musings) from now until 'my big race' on Friday July 6th 2007: The Island Games Olympic Distance Triathlon.

Athletic background:

Early 2003: Embarked on quest for fitness (and sanity) due to job as trainee accountant. Lose some Nottingham Uni puppy fat (pizza & beer) by running, cycling and swimming (triathlon?). Begin dreaming about Island Games (IG) and representing my country: the Isle of Man!

Early 2004: early 2005: With Shetland 2005 IG in mind concentrate on running. Win '04 and '05 IOM Cross Country (XC) Championships (running).

Spring/summer 2005: Unable to convert XC prowess to the athletic track and due to knee injury miss out on Shetland competition. Not too happy.

7th May 2005: 17 year-old cousin Aalish killed tragically in road accident. Realise what is important in life: knee injury and running becomes insignificant so decide to enjoy life with mates (more beer and pizza!).

March 2006: Return from snowboarding jolly (and broken toe) in the French Alps. Decide enough is enough: time to bite the bullet and be all I can be in triathlon. Dare to dream again.

Summer 2006: Qualify for IG '07 after some decent results in UK triathlons notably at Salford and Bala. Winter 2006/2007: Leave for New Zealand on quest of discovery. See for further info!

Spring 2007: In arguably the best shape of my life steer final course for Rhodes 2007.


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