Thursday, April 26, 2007

Shropshire Triathlon

I've rather controversially decided that I won't be competing in the Shropshire/Ellesmere triathlon this year. I know many of my IG team mates are going to it as race preparation for the games over the standard distance (1500m swim, 40km bike, 10km run).

I won't be going because it's going to cost £300 minimum which is money I feel can be better spent on my first stationary turbo trainer and a new pair of pedals for my bike, which I feel I'll get more out of in the run up to Rhodes.

So, I'm planning my own Olympic-distance tri based at the Mooragh Park in Ramsey on the day of the Shrops tri - Sun 10th June. I'm calling anyone who is not doing Shrops and would like a decent workout to join me in this strictly unofficial triathlon/glorified training session. I've not worked out the bike or run routes yet but know that Olympic tris have been held at Mooragh in past so I'll find out the options.

Anyone who wishes to join me, or knows the IG 2001 route that was used in Ramsey, let me know:


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